The keyword in AnaEE and AnaEE Denmark is “experiments”. Through a range of experimental approaches the aim is to increase our understanding of how different ecosystems respond to future conditions of elevated CO2, higher temperatures, more extreme climate events and changes in global cycling of core elements like nitrogen and phosphorus. And to help develop new and innovative management strategies to maintain or improve the ecosystem services that are fundamental to our society, i.e. food and fiber production, clean water, biodiversity preservation, climate mitigation through managing ecosystem greenhouse gas balance etc. (see figure).
AnaEE platforms will facilitate research that addresses important questions for society, e.g. preserving and improving ecosystem goods and services like food, fiber and energy production, drinking water, biodiversity and carbon storage.
Denmark has considerable capacities and several scientific communities working within the core subjects of AnaEE. A key societal issue addressed by AnaEE Denmark is sustainable and balanced provisioning of ecosystem services across the different ecosystems in the Danish landscape under future technological, environmental and climate change. The vision of AnaEE Denmark is to coordinate the Danish scientific efforts within experimental ecosystem research and enable researchers to collect, share and integrate data across different ecosystems, experiments, disciplines and institutions.
Joint efforts in AnaEE Denmark will develop new and innovative research facilities and increase the capacity of the Danish ecosystem research. It will provide open access for the national and international research community to advance science, develop new and innovative management tools and provide scientific basis for sustainable long-term use and management of our ecosystems.
AnaEE Denmark specifically aims to:
- Establish a well-coordinated network of updated, state-of-the-art experimental research platforms in Denmark, aimed at addressing important effects of anticipated climate and environmental changes on fundamental ecosystem goods and services like food and fiber production (including bioenergy), biodiversity preservation and climate mitigation (carbon uptake and storage).
- Facilitate the production of model-targeted, high-quality data on ecosystem processes and functioning as part of a coordinated international infrastructure in order to improve our ability to predict impacts of future climate and environmental changes on these ecosystem services and provide guidance to the sustainable management practices.
- Increase collaboration and knowledge sharing in ecosystem research nationally and internationally.
- Ensure access for Danish research communities to the central services offered by AnaEE, in particular to be part of coordinated international research projects using the AnaEE platforms and modelling tools and to be part of synthesis work facilitated through AnaEE.
- Increase the capacity to attract funding at national as well as international levels based on well documented long-term facilities that foster cross-disciplinary understanding of ecosystem processes.
- Contribute to the education of young researchers via AnaEE exchange programmes and advanced level research schools.