RERAF DTU, situated about 25 km west of Copenhagen.
In addition to the mentioned Open-air platforms, three so-called Enclosed platforms are part of AnaEE Denmark. These platforms are highly controlled and instrumented artificial growth facilities, which are highly complementary to the Open-air platforms as they enable higher levels of environmental control and process measurement on ecosystems.
Risø Environmental Risk Assessment Facility (RERAF) is a unique plant growth facility belonging to a new generation of phytotrons where climate can be controlled from subarctic to tropical conditions in very large chambers (24 m2). In addition, RERAF constitutes a completely closed exposure and environmental risk assessment facility, where experiments with toxic substances, radioisotopes, gaseous air pollutants, trace elements, plant nutrients, transgenic organisms and climate change problems can be performed without risk to the environment. RERAF consists of six physically and electronically integrated, gas tight chambers, which allow exposure of plants to different air pollutants. Planned upgrades include a new LED light system, new sensors, new data acquisition system, and new ‘microcosms’ for chamber-independent control of soil temperatures.
Teis N. Mikkelsen
PhD, senior scientist
MOB (+45) 2133 1394